Meet Bec
As Mum of a teenage boy and a rambunctious little girl I understand the daily challenges that life throws at you. I once lived with the pressure we feel as a Mum to be everything and to have it all.
It wasn’t long after the birth of my son that the idea that I had about being a Mum disintegrated. I quickly learnt that having a baby wasn’t textbook. And being a new Mum wasn’t either. There was so much unknown territory and I felt out of my depths.
My son didn’t sleep, he cried a lot and I had NO idea how to fix it.
I felt like a failure. I was scared. I was overwhelmed.
I watched other Mums successfully juggling motherhood and life, they made it look so easy!
What was wrong with me? I must be the worst Mum in the world.
I found myself trying to control every aspect of our life. I was so busy trying to be the perfect Mum. Always comparing myself to others, worrying about the little things, putting others' needs first. And this constant negative narrative took over every element of my life.
My life was slowly unravelling before my eyes.
I knew something had to change, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I was desperate, I had had enough of the way my life was playing out. And it's the hardest work to do, to stop and take a look at yourself. So, I read every book and took every personal development challenge and course and while it would work for a few days, I would quickly go back to my old patterns and behaviors.
What I didn't realise was that the constant conversations I was having in my head were keeping me stuck causing massive self-doubt, stress and anxiety.
Whilst I thought I was doing everything for my family, they were the ones who suffered the most. I knew there had to be a better way.
Then I found a way to begin to change my thoughts and responses. And my life became better, I became better.
Fast forward just a couple of years and I'm a different person…
I'm still in the same job, and I'm still in the same marriage but I don't FEEL the same pressure, and I don't have the same doubts or conversations where I beat myself up. I’m better able to manage challenges when things happen because I'm not so wound up or reactive.
My kids are thriving, my work is rewarding and most importantly I am present and able to enjoy the little things, to do better, to be better and I want you to know YOU can too.
“When a woman finally learns that pleasing the world is impossible, she becomes free to learn how to please herself”
~ Glennon Doyle
Join the Elevate~HER Program and Unleash the Confidence from within.
Imagine the positive impact you could have daily if you were at peace with yourself.
By working through the Elevate~HER program you’ll:
Belief in, trust and value yourself.
Get your mojo back.
Change your perspective.
Live in the moment.
Never have to revisit the issues again.
Tap into your feminine energy so you can embrace who you are as a woman.
Break the generational cycle.
Don’t Take My Word For It, Here’s What Others Say
It’s YOU that needs to change. It’s YOU who needs to be better, because your family, your children and your co-workers are not going to change. When you understand that, everything changes.
~ Bec Caddis
While this program is priceless in regard to how it can help you to BE the you that you want to be. I’m here to help as many mums as I can to let go of perfectionism, helicopter parenting, and people-pleasing and accept and love themselves for who they are.
This is your invitation to show up for yourself, and commit to taking care of yourself in a way that will deeply impact you and bring you the peace of mind that you have been dreaming of.
To be the YOU that you want to be.